ehsop prestashop

Household goods eshop

Design of a customized online store

Tvorba eshopov na prestashop

Project description

The online shop is engaged in the sale of kitchen and household utensils, equipment for the house, garden and many other assortments. Due to the wide assortment, this eshop contains over 12 thousand items. The products are automatically synchronized with their suppliers, while the eshop also sports automatic conversion of profit margins by category and product type. In addition to imports, the eshop also includes various export modules, for example into Google Merchant Center and the price comparison engine Heureka, with which it also synchronizes according to current stock and price changes.

Prestashop vývoj na mieru

Thumbnails navas


Prestahop na mieru
Návrh produktovej karty eshopu


tvorba eshopu prestashop
Menu eshopu
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